Chart pattern Examples for the SISTRIX Visibility Index

Sometimes you might want to make your point with the help of an example that you remembered seeing somewhere on a domain, but you can’t remember the domain for the life of you.

Twitter post showing domain ove graphic.

Fret not, on this page we will keep a curated list of useful Visibiliy Index case studies for quick reference. If you have a good example yourself, please let us know (on Twitter) and we will add your example to this list.

Positive Examples

GoDaddy’s shift from support.-subdomain to /help/-directory

Visibility index of a domain move

From Twitter:

Monster goes from Subdomains to directories, too

visibility index monster went from subdomains to subdirectories and shows a remarkable increase in Visibility.

From Twitter:

And from our article: Case Study: Monster’s monster growth on Google

Zomato correctly assimilates a competitor

visibility index zomato and urbanspoon

Zomato purchased in 2015 and incorporated all the content into their site, while setting up the correct 301 redirects between the corresponding pieces of content.

From our article: Buying links that others earned… Why not?

From three make one: for Spain and Latin America

visibility index of multiple domains migrating into one. is now very popular in Spain and Latin America. It is the result of a consolidation of a number of websites and blogs (,,, where they managed to offer almost the same content, at a higher quality than what the old domains had to offer.

From our article: Buying links that others earned… Why not?

Negative Examples

The Mayor of London redesign with missing 301 redirects

Visibility index

The website missed redirecting most content pieces from the decommisioned /priorities/ directory.

From our article: The New Website For The Mayor Of London Neglected Its /priorities/

Softonic and their internal search problem

Visibility index fall at

Google decided to no longer show the internal Softonic search results in the /s/ directory 1:1 within the Google Search Result Pages (SERPs).

From our article: Case Study: has been hit by a Google manual action

A Royal domain move with soft-404’s domain migration

After their domain move from to most pages got a 301 redirect to the startpage only.

From our article: SEOs should care more about using redirects correctly than how much PageRank gets passed

A hospitality industry domain move with room for improvement – to

visibility index for a domain migration

A domain consolidation of to – in the Italian market – leaves with about 20% less Visibility of what both domains might have had, combined.

From: Domain migrations can be ugly: here’s what happened to and

Medical Advice caught in Google’s YMYL classification? domain move was top-dog when it came to medical advice in the UK until they moved to a more international domain, The move seems to have gone well and redirects were set to the correct articles. So why are they unable to reach old heights? Our hypothesis has to do with how Google is very careful with sites that have something to do with “Your Money or Your Life”.

Some types of pages could potentially impact the future happiness, health, or wealth of users. We call such pages “Your Money or Your Life” pages, or YMYL.
We have very high Page Quality rating standards for YMYL pages because low quality YMYL pages could potentially negatively impact users’ happiness, health, or wealth.Google Quality Rater Guidelines

Google Quality Rater Guidelines

From our article: IndexWatch 2015 – The Losers 2015 in UK: 100 domains with the highest loss in Google visibility

Visibility Index Art

Jesús Moya has a decidedly artsy approach to explaining a Visibility curve. Without further ado, here are some Visibility artworks:

Visibility Index art.
Visibility Index art.

Both from Twitter:

And one more:

If you have more Visibility Art, please let us know so we can add it here.