View a history of URL and keyword rankings for the domain, both in the top-10 and top-100 of search results. In addition we show summary information for the ranking keywords.
Number of Keywords
Here you’ll find the total number of keywords for which this domain (or host, directory or URL where selected) is ranking in the search results. The value is based on our extended database and is therefore not comparable with the value seen in the diagram below it (Keywords – History)
The value represents the total number of different keywords and not the total number of rankings. The data is based on the keywords ranking for the selected country.
- Updates: Weekly
- Data-set: Extended database. Many millions of keywords
Keyword Profile
Here you’ll find the numbers of ranking in the Top 10 and the number of rankings in the Top 100 in Google search.
- Top-10: Number of keywords with a ranking in the Top 10, the first page of search results.
- Top 100: Number of keywords with a ranking in the Top 100, the first 10 pages of search results.
- Updates: Weekly
- Data-set: Extended database. Many millions of keywords
For this evaluation we consider the number of different keywords, not the number of different rankings. The data refers to the country you have selected.
Number of URL rankings
Based on the rankings found, the figures here related to numbers of URLs. We show the number of URLs ranking in the Top 10 and the number in the Top 100 Google search results. In addition we show you the average length (number of characters) in the URLs.
- Top 10: Total number of unique URLs found with a minimum of one ranking in the Top 10, the first page of Google search results.
- Top 100: Total number of unique URLs found with a minimum of one ranking in the Top 100, the first ten pages of Google search results.
- Updates: Weekly
- Data-set: Extended database. Many millions of keywords
Word count
In this box we show you, based on the ranking keywords that have been found, the number of words in the ranking keywords. It’s often the case that search terms with many words appear in the ‘long tail’ of search and that search terms with few words are in the strong search volume area known as the shorthead.
- Updates: Weekly
- Data-set: Extended database. Many millions of keywords
URLs – History
This diagram shows the total number of unique URLs found as a historical graph. Here you’ll find the number of unique URLs found ranking in the Top 10 and the number ranking in the Top 100 in Google search. The historical graph shows the development of these numbers.
- Top 10: Total number of unique URLs found with a minimum of one ranking in the Top 10, the first page of Google search results.
- Top 100: Total number of unique URLs found with a minimum of one ranking in the Top 100, the first ten pages of Google search results.
- Updates: Weekly
- Data-set: Visibility data. One million keywords for desktop and mobile
Keywords – History
In this diagram we show you the number of unique keywords found for this domain as a historical graph.
This diagram is based on the Visibility Index database with one million keywords (desktop and mobile). This means that you can’t compare this value with the box at the top left corner of the page, which shows the total number of keywords of the extended database, with many millions of keywords.
- Updates: Weekly
- Data-set: Visibility data. One million keywords for desktop and mobile