The section called “Reviews” offers the important information about the reviews that the seller has received in Amazon. Here you don’t only find tables and graphs, but also reviewers who have frequently rated this seller’s products, which you can analyse individually.

Review Count
This box shows you the number of reviews received from all the products of this seller. The number is regularly updated and as we discover a new product. The more successful a product, the more often it is crawled.
New Reviews
Number of reviews of this seller’s products that have been added within the last three months. Reviews are often activated by Amazon after some delay, especially if they are bad.
Average rating measured across all of this seller’s products. The value is updated as soon as we discover a new review for one of the products of this seller and add it to our database.
Average Deviation
The standard deviation of the average rating is a metric to analyse the distribution of all reviews. The higher the value, the more different are the ratings for products of this seller. The smaller the value, the more consistent the reviews are.
Average Rating
Historic development of the average rating across all products of this retailer. New data points are calculated daily. The default setting show the development over the last year. Use the option menu to change the time-frame.
Reviews History
This diagram shows you the development of the metric “Number of reviews”. New data for individual products is collected daily, which we add up once a week for the sellers. In the standard settings, you can see the development of the last year. Use the option menu to change the time-frame.
There are usually two reasons for the curve falling. First, Amazon deletes reviews every now and then, and second, when a particular product is no longer offered, its reviews are subtracted from the total.
Review History per Day
This diagram shows you the development of the metric called “Number of reviews per day”, which is calculated from the difference between the number of reviews this week compared to the number of reviews last week divided by the 7 days of a week.
New data for individual products is collected daily, which we add up once a week for the sellers. In the standard settings you can see the development of the last year. Use the option menu to change the time-frame.
There are usually two reasons for the curve falling. First, Amazon deletes reviews every now and then, and second, when a particular product is no longer offered, its reviews are subtracted from the total.
List of all evaluated reviews
In this table you can filter and sort all reviews found for this seller. The following fields are available:
- ASIN : Amazon ASIN of the product with the rating
- Variation : If the rated product is a variation of another product, all variation attributes are shown here.
- Rating : Star rating of the respective review (1 to 5 stars)
- Date : Date of the review. Reviews are often released by Amazon after some delay. We’ll show the date the review was written here
- User : Name of the reviewer issued by Amazon
- Title : Title of the review
- Text : Content of the review in full text
- Verified : Indication of whether the review is classified as a verified purchase by Amazon or not
- Helpful : Number of times this review has been marked as “helpful” by other users
Review Words
This table also shows the Top-250 most common words in the title or text of all selected reviews of this seller. Words that are particularly common, such as “and” have already been filtered out. The use of upper and lower case is not taken into consideration for the analysis. You can filter the reviews in the following ways:
- Make a preselection in the reviews: Go to the review section of the seller, set the filters and click on the button “words” to use the quick filters.
- Quick filter for ratings: There is a quick filter for each star rating (1-5).
The table also contains 2 columns in which you can see all reviews that have the corresponding word in the title or in the text
Latest Reviews
In this table you can find all those reviews of this seller which have been newly discovered by our crawler. Between the date a review is written and the date it is published on Amazon, a few days usually pass. Moreover, bad reviews with one or two stars take significantly longer in the review process than good reviews with five stars.
Top Reviewers
In this evaluation you will find reviewers who have rated the seller’s products particularly often. In addition to the name of the reviewer and the number of reviews, you can also see the average rating, as well as the best and worst ratings. Click on the reviewers’ names to see all their reviews.
Most Helpful Reviews
Amazon users can mark other users’ reviews as “helpful”. In this analysis, you can see the reviews of this brand that were most frequently marked as helpful. Often, this quickly reveals the first focal points for product optimisation.