Technical Director of Rise at Seven
Stephen Kenwright

Stephen is co-founder and Technical Director of Rise at Seven, a creative SEO agency made in Sheffield. Previously Stephen has led digital at Pendragon PLC, the UK’s largest automotive retailer, and led strategy at Branded3, an SEO agency acquired by Kin + Carta PLC in 2013.
He founded SearchLeeds in 2016, growing it to 3,000 attendees at Leeds’ first direct arena in its 4th iteration. Since then he’s founded TechSEO Summat, Yorkshire’s technical SEO conference. He’s spoken at more than 100 events in 10 countries, including BrightonSEO, SMX, HeroConf and Learn Inbound.
Stephen is a student mentor at Sheffield Hallam University, where he graduated with an MA in Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature. He’s also a certified trainer for SISTRIX.