CEO of Distilled
Will Critchlow

Will Critchlow is CEO of Distilled – a company he founded in 2005 with Duncan Morris. Distilled provides online marketing services from offices in London, New York and Seattle, hosts the SearchLove conference series in the US and UK, produces the popular online training platform DistilledU, and runs the SEO split-testing platform DistilledODN.
Google Ranking Factors
4. January 2019
We were asked by one of the most well known SEOs in the UK if we wanted to write about the Google ranking factors. Rather than write an article, and more in line with our general philosophy, we asked some of the best known UK SEOs to discus the ranking […]
17. Ranking Myths
13. February 2017
With Will, Ned, Gerry, Barry, Stephen, Dawn and Dixon. Dixon Jones – Majestic Marketing Director – Receptional Founding DirectorOk, so I’ll start, and I’ll go with “more links does not necessarily mean better rankings”. The myth is, that you get more links you’re going to get better rankings. That doesn’t […]
15. Voice Search: How Will Voice Search Change the Way We Search?
13. February 2017
With Ned, Stephen, Will and Dixon. Stephen Kenwright – Director of Search Branded3So, I think the common misconception about Voice Search is that it’s another way of searching Google and it just isn’t. So, if you use, Alexa on Echo you’re searching Bing, if you use Siri you’re searching Bing, […]
13. AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages
13. February 2017
With Barry, Gerry, Dawn and Will. Barry Adams – Founder Polemic DigitalYeah, Google AMP is one of those topics that SEOs like to moan about, because it is a very divisive topic at the moment. Do you implement Google AMP for your website or not? What I think: it comes […]
11. Personalization: Google’s Personalized Search Results
13. February 2017
With Will, Stephen, Ned and Barry. Barry Adams – Founder Polemic DigitalEvery search result that you do on a search engine like Google is personalized to a certain extent. Based on your location, your search history, your click history and all the other factors – your social graph – that […]
10. Brand traffic: What Are Brands and How Can You Utilize This Traffic?
13. February 2017
With Will, Stephen, Dixon and Barry. Will Critchlow – CEO & Co-Founder DistilledI think the first thing here to realize is that we’ve gone backwards in data. Because pre not-provided, you were able to tell where your brand’s search traffic was going, you knew what your keywords were, you were […]
07. Is It Useful to Crosslink Between Different Company Websites Within the Same Organization or Group?
13. February 2017
With Barry, Dawn, Dixon and Will. Dawn Anderson – Director Move It MarketingYeah, I mean I have seen this is really effective, if you like you can call them like super brands. So they may be a group of retail companies, they may have brands that sell different types of […]
06. Link Strategies: Which Link Strategies Are Recommended?
13. February 2017
With Dixon, Stephen, Kirsty and Will. Will Critchlow – CEO & Co-Founder DistilledIt’s our priority, when we are developing a strategy to improve the authority of a particular domain, or to generate links to a particular piece of content, is increasingly moving towards making sure that we don’t only get […]
05. Paid Links: Are Paid Links a Viable Strategy?
13. February 2017
With Barry, Stephen, Kirsty and Will. Kirsty Hulse – SEO / Digital TypeSo when we say paid links, there are very different currencies. So there is giving a blogger a product or giving a blogger a voucher or literally just exchanging cash for money or content, so the moment you […]
02. Content Quality: How Important Is High Quality Content?
13. February 2017
With Will, Kirsty, Dawn and Ned. Dawn AndersonDirector Move It MarketingWell, it’s important. We know that Google helps with the Raters guide, for instance. Their 60-odd page document which, if anyone fancies spending a couple of hours and acquainting themselves with, they are definitely worth reading. But we know things, […]