The name operative SEO Indicator System might be a bit confusing, as it does not have much in common with a classic indicator system (please also see “What is an indicator system?”). That is why – for now – we will rather speak of operative SEO-indicators.
Operative SEO-indicators can usually be linked logically (Cause – Effect), but only rarely mathematically. A computational, or rather economic use of indicators can be found by using a financial SEO Indicator System.
SEO-Indicators (KPI) as valuable aides
SEO-indicators are valuable aides thanks to their logical, though not computational connections. This does not change the fact that they still have to be interpreted by a human being.
Operative SEO is regularly checking your predefined SEO indicators (KPI) through a target-actual comparison. You can then evaluate the fundamental SEO-goals to see if, and to what extent, they are correct and efficient.
Tip: At this point we are assuming that you already put some thought into the question “How to identify and use a SEO KPI?”.
The correct approach to operative SEO (and its indicator system)
Considering that operative SEO is not an exactly science and many SEO indicators are only available for your own website (Analytics, Search Console), it becomes necessary to monitor SEO-data for your competition, in order to identify best-practice examples as well as for your benchmarking.
For this, it is not practical to run evaluations on the ranking distributions of a large number of individual keywords. Instead, it becomes necessary to aggregate data for your SEO-controlling.
Next to the vital data-aggregation, there needs to be a time series analysis. Many SEO-effects and -relationships do not become apparent by simply evaluating specific indicators for a certain point in time, but through the comparison of indicators over multiple points in time.
Many SEO effects and links will not become visible by rating indicators at a certain time, but by comparing them at multiple times.

Let’s create an operative indicator system
If we have both the aggregated data as well as a time series analysis available, we can build an operative indicator system.
Here is a picture of an operative SEO Indicator System which is based on the logic connection of multiple indicators which turns into an indicator system.

(Example with data from Google Analytics, Google Search Console and the SISTRIX Toolbox)
Gather/monitor SEO indicators for specific segments of your website.
- Gather indicators for sub-domains and directories
- Specific causes can usually be singled out and identified much more quickly
- you are able to control the goals and SEO-measures for your website much more accurately