Amazon Marketing: 10 Things You Can Do to Promote Your Product

Do you want to sell more products on Amazon? Here are 10 tips to help enhance your Amazon marketing and promote your products more efficiently.

1. Search engine optimisation for Amazon

In order for Amazon to give your products top rankings, you will need to optimise your product descriptions, titles, etc. for search engines. This involves a relatively low amount of money and effort. SEO is one of the most important aspects of your Amazon marketing.

2. A+ content

A+ content can help increase your product sales. The way in which your product page is presented is of critical importance, and this is true regardless of whether you use other channels to promote your product. Prospective buyers will only make a purchase if the product page fills them with confidence. That’s why you should optimise this content first before you use other channels, like Amazon PPC, for your marketing.

3. Sponsored Products

With Sponsored Products, you can ensure that your products are displayed at the top of the page to prospective customers. What is true of marketing on Google also applies to Amazon marketing: the higher a result appears, the more clicks it generates. That’s why Sponsored Products are popular sales boosters in Amazon Marketing.

4. Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands Ads are more eye-catching, and have a broader scope, than Sponsored Products. As a consequence, they tend to be more effective at capturing people’s attention. They are a very good addition if you are a brand and want to increase both your hard sales and your brand awareness.

5. Sponsored Display

Sponsored Display is the softest of the three possible PPC campaigns on Amazon. This option is ideal for you if you wish to increase your brand awareness. Your ads will be served based on your target audience and products.

6. Brand Store

You can also use the Brand Store to increase your brand awareness and strengthen customer loyalty. If you are a vendor, the Brand Store should be an integral part of your Amazon marketing.

7. Influencer Marketing

Influencers promote your product to followers and thus secure you more sales. And every successful campaign pays dividends for your branding. You have the option of choosing the Amazon Influencer Programme if you wish to pursue this option. This strategy is ideal for you if no one is aware of your product and there are no search queries that you can target.

8. Place your product in themed articles

You can often arrange for your products to be included in lists, such as gift guides or top 10 lists. Contact the creator of the guide/list and ask if your product would make a good fit with the other items. This strategy is also very effective at promoting unknown products.

9. Discount codes and special offers

Discount codes and price reductions are another great way to boost sales and increase your product visibility. Amazon displays price reductions in the search results, and you can work with discount portals and influencers to ensure that discount codes reach potential customers.

10. PPC on other channels

You can also advertise your products on Amazon via other channels, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Whilst these are lucrative platforms on which to advertise, bear in mind that tracking does not work in the same way that it does on your own website. Ensure that tracking has been set up properly so that you are in a position to track your sales and revenue.


If you want to do Amazon marketing, you cannot very easily ignore PPC campaigns. It makes sense to place targeted advertisements in the search results, as Amazon can present your products to searchers who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. If no one is looking for your product because it is a new entrant in the marketplace, influencer and blogger marketing are good alternatives.

Steve Paine